Our Governing Body

Our Governing Body consists of 10 members with a wealth of different experiences and from a range of backgrounds.  Their role is absolutely key to the effectiveness of our school.

The role of the Governing Body is a strategic one, its key functions are:

  • to set the aims and objectives for the school;

  • to set the policies for achieving those aims and objectives;

  • to set the targets for achieving those aims and objectives;

  • to monitor and evaluate the progress the school is making towards achievement of its aims and objectives;

  • to be a source of challenge and support to the Headteacher (a critical friend).

The Headteacher is responsible for the internal organisation, management and control of the school and the implementation of the strategic framework established by the Governing Body.

Members of our Governing Body                                      

Ms Jo Pires (Chair of Governors) - Parent Governor - 24.09.2022 - Elected by parents

Mrs Sue Jacobs (Vice Chair) - Co-opted Governor - 30.12.2023 - Appointed by GB/board

Mrs Hazel Beamish - Headteacher - Ex-officio by virtue of office as headteacher/principal

Mr Tim Jones - Co-opted Governor - 03.12.2024 - Appointed by GB/board

Mr Gareth Lewis - Staff Governor - 25.3.2027 - Elected by school staff

Cllr Dave Mitchell - LA Governor - 04.12.2023 - Nominated by LA and appointed by GB

Mrs H Cottrell - Co-opted Governor - 3/12/2024 - Appointed by GB/board

Mrs R Lucas - Parent Governor - 18/12/2024 - Parent appointed by GB/board due to no election candidates

Vacancy x 2 - Co-opted Governor

Governing Body Structure & Committees

Our Board of Governors meet as as Full Governing Body once each term.  We also have three core committees...

Strategic Planning & Curriculum Committee:

Chair of Committee - Ms Jo Pires

Committee Members: Mrs Sue Jacobs, Mrs Hazel Beamish, Mr Tim Jones, Mr Gareth Lewis, Mr Dave Mitchell, Mrs H Cottrell & Mrs R Lucas.

Leadership, Management & Finance Committee:

Chair of Committee - Mrs Sue Jacobs

Committee Members: Ms J Pires, Mrs Hazel Beamish, Mr Gareth Lewis, Mr Tim Jones & Mrs H Cottrell. In attendance: Mr D Stenhouse, School Business Manager

Pay Committee:

Chair of Committee - Ms Jo Pires

Committee Members: Mrs Sue Jacobs & Mr Dave Mitchell.

...who also meet on a termly basis, as well as Link Governors who meet at least termly with particular members of staff.

The Governing Body also has many discretionary committees that can be convened for specialist reasons, such a disciplinary and complaints.  

Forthcoming Meeting Dates

These can be confirmed by contacting the school office.