Maths Curriculum

Subject Leader: Mrs N Furlong & Mrs S Hastings

Maths Vision

At Heygarth Primary School, we strive to prepare pupils with the confidence and resilience to tackle mathematical problems independently to function in a mathematical world.

Maths lessons at Heygarth empower pupils to explore and challenge mathematical ideas together. We encourage children to be inquisitive and think deeply about mathematical concepts. To be able to do this consistently across the whole school, all year groups follow Maths No Problem (Foundation Stage use key concepts from the lesson structure, ensuring children are well-equipped for Year 1).

This effective scheme encourages all children to develop their initial understanding, mathematical reasoning and problem-solving. Regardless of age, children are encouraged to use concrete equipment. They then draw their thinking and finally explain what they think in their own journal. Children then apply their knowledge to the workbook.

Through thorough teacher assessment and teaching of the highest standard, immediate interventions take place to ensure each child achieves their very best.

Communication is at the heart of lessons with pupils leading a discussion, whilst teachers effectively facilitate worthwhile conversation. To prepare pupils to be efficient, effective mathematicians, a deep understanding of number sense, arithmetic skill and reasoning is promoted throughout their education. Exploring mathematics is exciting, inspiring and impacts the future of our pupils.

Maths Rationale

At Heygarth, we have chosen to follow the Maths - No Problem! scheme, for years 1-6. The scheme is aligned to the National Curriculum and has been recommended by the DfE for schools on the mastery programme. The textbook has been supported by the UK’s National Centre for Excellence in Teaching Mathematics. This well-researched scheme combines learning theories with advanced mastery techniques.

The use of a high-quality textbook supports teachers, ensuring they deliver progressive lessons. The online resources offer further help and support, giving clarification on assessment, variation and a guide to what resources need to be used to support learning to mastery. The online tool also supports parents with videos and information they can use to support their child’s learning at home.

This inclusive scheme means the vast majority of children can access the learning. Staff receive thorough training before using the scheme and continue to access professional development materials to ensure teaching is of the highest standard.

Teachers also use a range of resources to support their teaching of arithmetic. EYFS and KS1 are following the Mastering Number Programme, supported by our local Maths Hub and the NCETM.

If you would like to know more about how mathematics is taught at Heygarth Primary, please follow the link below:


“I love using the equipment to solve problems! It really helps me think!”

“My favourite part of the lesson is when we look at the picture problem and I can talk to my friends.”

“Sometimes I find it hard to understand what to do at first so my teacher shows me again with the equipment. It makes it easy then!”

“Maths is my favourite subject! I like our lessons and our fast maths on the board.”

“I like that I can put what I want in my journal. I look at my journal from another day when I get stuck.”

“I enjoy the workbook most of all. It makes me think because it isn’t always exactly the same as the guided practice bit.”