Year 5 - Ash & Walnut

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Welcome to the Year 5 class page.

On this page, you will be able to access information about the Year 5 class and what will be taught during the year.


Mr J. Baker-Howell- Class Teacher of Walnut

Miss P. Pattinson - Class Teacher of Ash (Wednesday PM-Friday)

Mrs S. Connolly - Class Teacher of Ash (Monday-Wednesday AM)

Mr S. Paul - HLTA & PPA Cover

Autumn term 2024/25

Welcome to the Autumn Term! This term, we are reading Cosmic by Frank Cottrell-Boyce. A tall story from Carnegie Medal-winning Frank Cottrell Boyce. Liam is too big for his boots. And his football strip. And his school blazer. But being super-sized height-wise has its advantages: he's the only eleven-year-old to ever ride the G-force defying Cosmic rollercoaster - or be offered the chance to drive a Porsche. Long-legged Liam makes a giant leap for boy-kind by competing with a group of adults for the chance to go into space. Is Liam the best boy for the job? Sometimes being big isn't all about being a grown-up. 

Our Science enquiry this half-term is ‘Is Earth the only planet we can inhabit?’

During the first half term, we will investigate all about our solar system, including the planets and how they move around the sun.

Our Geography enquiry is ‘Would you like to live in a desert?’

We will focus on what is a Biome and how deserts work.

In maths, we will be focusing on numbers to 1000000 and addition and subtraction.

In Music, we will be starting our Ukulele sessions from Tuesday the 10th September.


Homework is given via Century - an app that uses artificial intelligence to enhance learning for each child, individually. Spellings will be practiced in school.

Your child will have come home with a love of reading book and a learning to read book, they should be recording in their reading log frequently. Children should be encouraged to read at home daily and to log this. You can add comments to their reading log so that we can see what they have been reading, and how they have been getting on with reading at home.

Your child also has a TT Rockstars login and should be practising their times tables little and often.

PE (Autumn 1)

Tuesday - Indoor P.E (Health and Fitness)

Thursday - Indoor P.E (Dance)